Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Attitude is important

It is crucial to maintain an open-mindedness and receptive attitude under any kind of circumstances. If one is too confident and sure about what one knows, there tends to be a lot of information and knowledge one miss.

Many times, when I received some information either through discussion or reading, the mind will automatically contemplate and learn to understand. And always, the mind will have its own idea, its own view, which might be agreeable or sometimes conflict with other’s view.

I would like to express my viewpoints, and at times, will think that others have not really understood as what I have understood. My writings have sometimes expressed the view I had after some discussion.

However, it happen so frequently that possibly after another day, the mind will understand the content of discussion differently. And others’ viewpoints about what had been discussed have its truth as well. It is not totally incorrect or lack in any sense.

Quoting the simile of the blind men who want to know how elephant is like, each one of us in fact understands the same situation from a different perspective. Each of us is right in certain way, but unless and until we gather all the information, seeing the total picture of the situation, we could not claim that we are the only one who is right and others wrong.

For this, I learned that it is very important and useful to be open-minded, receptive, and allowing so that I can absorb and receive knowledge and information gracefully. In that sense, understanding of the whole picture or overview of the situation will be complete.

As a jigsaw puzzle, I am only holding a piece of it. And the other pieces are in the hands of others. I can only get the jigsaw puzzle complete if I accept the pieces from others. If I think that I am holding the one and only clue, reject views from others, then I will never be able to get the truth totally.
That is why now I learned to be more receptive, to incorporate what others understand and blend in with what the mind here has understood.

Hopefully then, the path towards freedom is accelerated with more gracefulness and ease.

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