Friday, June 18, 2010

Help to negative feelings and emotions

Whenever an emotion strike, if awareness can be aware of the emotion, no nutritious will be continuously fed to the emotion and it will die off sooner or later. However, if not being able to be aware, most probably human tends to indulge in the stories and prolong the emotion.

Awareness practice is one of the exercises one can use and learn to be used as a tool to sharpen this kind of observation. Once one becomes adept to this skill, wisdom will follow suit.

There are many times, jealousy, anger, sadness and other feelings and emotions arise, and the feeling is very uneasy. Because of the patient in practicing awareness and mindfulness, these skills come into rescue and take note of these feelings and emotions immediately. Ignorance and ego tries their best to pull the mind into the feeling and emotion and tried hard to prolong them.

With the awareness and mindfulness, wisdom also comes in to assist. The wisdom knows that this is just nature. The feelings and emotions are just part of nature, which come and go as fluxes and obey the law of impermanence. It also observed that the ignorance is doing its part to grasp on the feelings and emotions. With the observation and noticing of nature, with the understanding of how the mind works, holding on has nothing to keep it going. And the feelings and emotions just faded away.

With wisdom, with understanding, I didn’t let go of the feelings and emotions. Instead, the feelings and emotions let go of me as it has no way to stand. Thus, freedom is the name.

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